Home-made plain yogurt that is delicious because it has no preservatives. A classic final course for a spicy, Indian meal.
Secret Tip
You can let the milk come to a boil several times to make it more creamy. You can also make the yogurt with skim milk but the consistency of the yogurt will tend to be more liquid and not firm.
1/2 Gal 2% fat or 4% fat milk
1 Tsp Yogurt for culture (you can use Dannon Plain yogurt 4% fat if you don’t have the home made yogurt)
Preparation Method
Use a heavy bottom dish to boil the milk. The dish should be very clean.
Add the milk to the dish before turning on the heat.
On medium heat bring the milk to a boil.
Lower the heat and let it cool a few mins.
Increase the heat again and bring it to a second boil.
Turn off the heat and let it cool.
Transfer the milk to the dish in which you want it to set. A glass bowl or stainless steel bowl works well.
Let the milk cool till it is hot when you stick your finger in it but does not burn!
Mix the yogurt culture in a small bowl with a little bit of the milk and then add it to the rest of the milk.
Stir the milk so the culture is well mixed in.
Cover it with a plate and let it sit in a place where the temp is even for 4 to 6 hours. Â A cold oven is a good place to set the yogurt. Refrigerate it as soon as the yogurt is set. If it sits out too long the yogurt will become sour.